GE Scholars Shanice Robinson and Shaleek Smith were among those students who traveled to Washington, D.C. on March 27, 2009 to perform on the Kennedy Center Stage, saluting the “Big Band Era.” The performance can be seen at the official Kennedy Center website: http://www.kennedy-center.org/. Friends of Music, a volunteer organization of parents and teachers who want to support music programs in the Schenectady City School District, is conducting a quilt raffle to help defer the costs incurred by this trip. GE’s Chief Jayne Thompson generously donated a full size quilt. Tickets cost $2 each, 3 for $5 or 8 for $10. They can be purchased by contacting Mr. Steve Weisse at (518) 345-4266 or email sweisse@nycap.rr.com. If paying by check, please make payable to Friends of Music and send to Schenectady High School, c/o Ms. Rachel Gayne, 1445 The Plaza, Schenectady, NY 12308. Tickets are on sale through the end of April.
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