On behalf of the GE Scholars House faculty and staff I would like to wish you the very best, for the new year! As we move into the new year and the second half of the school year, I would like to encourage all of our students to focus on doing what it takes to finish out the school year with success. A strong finish can make a successful year even better and it can transform a not so successful first-half of the year into an overall successful year.

Seniors need to remain in their courses and continue to challenge themselves for the remainder of the year. Colleges can and will place incoming freshmen on academic probation if they, the college, have evidence that after admission a student decided to take a vacation from learning. Do not let this happen to you! If you have already been accepted into college, I congratulate you. I encourage all underclassmen to continue to work hard and to seek out support when you need it. If you are working hard to be successful, you will experience success. Set goals. Do not give up! And, as Greek Poet Hesiod said in 700 BC, “ If you add a little to a little, and then do it again, soon that little shall be much.“