GREETINGS: GE House is proud to present its first issue of the GE Newsletter. Why read the GE Newsletter? Important information about upcoming GE House and school-wide events and activities will always be included in the newsletter. Reading the newsletter will also keep you relatively well informed about what is happening in the GE House and the accomplishments of our students and our teachers. Speaking of school events please do not forget the Go Home Early Drill scheduled for November 14th. High School students will be dismissed at 2:50 PM.
Look for a GE Newsletter at the end of each quarter. If you believe that the newsletter is leaving things out, please let me know. We are making every effort to include a broad range of news. We will work hard to ensure that the newsletter is timely, relevant and informative. A digital version of this newsletter is also available on the internet at GENewsletterSHS.blogspot.com.
By the time you have read this newsletter, we will be starting the second quarter of the school year. All of us in the GE House truly believe that this year is off to a great start. The GE House has already conducted a number of important activities for our students and their parents.
I hope that you are looking forward to having your children participate in the programs and activities that have always defined the GE House. These programs and activities include but are not limited to:
• Working with mentors from GE Global Research, and Union College
• Participating in the GE House Extended Day Program
• Participating in our yearly grade level field trips
• Participating in our extensive grade 11 and 12 college visitation program
• Participating in assemblies featuring nationally known presenters
• Participating in our numerous student awards ceremonies and celebrations
Look for a GE Newsletter at the end of each quarter. If you believe that the newsletter is leaving things out, please let me know. We are making every effort to include a broad range of news. We will work hard to ensure that the newsletter is timely, relevant and informative. A digital version of this newsletter is also available on the internet at GENewsletterSHS.blogspot.com.
By the time you have read this newsletter, we will be starting the second quarter of the school year. All of us in the GE House truly believe that this year is off to a great start. The GE House has already conducted a number of important activities for our students and their parents.
I hope that you are looking forward to having your children participate in the programs and activities that have always defined the GE House. These programs and activities include but are not limited to:
• Working with mentors from GE Global Research, and Union College
• Participating in the GE House Extended Day Program
• Participating in our yearly grade level field trips
• Participating in our extensive grade 11 and 12 college visitation program
• Participating in assemblies featuring nationally known presenters
• Participating in our numerous student awards ceremonies and celebrations
Our students are distinguishing themselves in the classrooms, on the athletic fields, as Peer Mediators, in performances, etc... Please stay involved in the lives of your children and help us to resolve any issues that may stand in the way of ensuring that they take full advantage of the opportunities and the education offered at the high school and in the GE House. Remember the words of Abraham Lincoln, “United we stand, divided we fall.”
ACADEMIC NOTES: Congratulations to senior Peter Shapiro! He was recently named Commended Student in the 2009 National Merit Scholarship Program. Peter has been presented with a Letter of Commendation from SHS and the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC).
ACADEMIC NOTES: Congratulations to senior Peter Shapiro! He was recently named Commended Student in the 2009 National Merit Scholarship Program. Peter has been presented with a Letter of Commendation from SHS and the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC).
SEPTEMBER STUDENTS OF THE MONTH: Congratulations to our students for earning this distinction! Team 9-Zipporah Dundas, Team 10-Sandra Delvalle, Team 11-Mariah Rosenberger, and Team 12-Marcia Rahiman.
ON THE COLLEGE ADMISSIONS RADAR SCREEN: As we head into the eye of the college application/admissions hurricane it will become essential for you to stay in contact with GE Guidance Counselors featured in this GE Newsletter. Make it a priority to call the Guidance Office in order to check-on SAT and ACT testing dates and college admissions deadlines.
Lastly, with all the exciting events taking place in the GE House it will be a challenge to put out a newsletter that includes every single story. But, it might be in a future newsletter. In our next issue look for stories featuring GE Scholar students on our fall athletic teams, our foreign exchange students, the Thanksgiving Food Drive, and many more.
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